The wild boar

The wild boar it’s one of the species of wide hunting interest with the most pronounced ecological plasticity in Romania. It is found from the alpine hollow to the seashore, with remarkable densities in the area of ​​beeches, sessile and oaks, but also in the plains, in the meadow and in the Danube Delta. In such places with massive concentrations of wild boars, you can organize sensational big hunting games, with or without dog handlers, unique in results and spectacle. Active hunting in the evening, with short bait hunting breaks is less common. More recently, as a result of requests from foreign hunters, bait hunting is also practiced at feeding places (more comfortable and safer), but criticizable in terms of sportsmanship and the possibility of prioritizing the extraction of dominant specimens that should be left to procreate. Specimens which frequently exceed 200 kg in the case of wild boars, sometimes even 300 kg, with fangs longer than 22-25 cm, are the ones that brought fame to the boars in the Carpathians and attract passionate hunters. Therefore, the hunting methods are chosen, on a case-by-case basis, depending on the possibilities and preferences of the hunters.

Hunting season: The period allowed for hunting is limited only for females and piglets, the hunting season being open from June 1st to January 31st. The wild boar can be hunted all year round, with an optimal time period between October 15th and December 15th, when the mating intensifies, and the solitary boars leave the hiding places and come to the herds.

The weapons allowed for wild boar hunting in Romania are either smoothed with a single projectile or with a bullet of caliber 6.5 X 57 and up.

In Romania, the national record of 144 C.I.C. has not been broken since 1980, but such a hunting event is not impossible at all, because wild boars with fangs of over 135 – 140 C.I.C. points are frequently hunted.

Wild boar
Hunting Season
Male Year round
Female and Piglet 01st of June – 31th of January
Males (Boars) – Trophy
Individual hunting (bait and active hunting) / group (big game hunting)
Average length of the lower fangs – CM Price – EURO For each mm above the minimum level from the 1st column … EURO
Up to 12 250 €
From 12,1 to 16 350 €
From 16,1 to 20 550 €
Over 20,0 750 € 10 €
Bizarre trophy 500 €
Females and Piglets
Female – Active hunting 250 €
Female – Bait hunting  350 €
Piglets – Active hunting 100 €
Piglets – Bait hunting 100 €
For injured animal and wrong shot at individual hunting (bait and active hunting) the following prices are charged:
Injured and unrecovered animal Wrong shot price
Boar 200 € 20 €
Sow 200 € 20 €
Piglet 50 € 20 €
Price for taking the gutted piece 3 €/kg
For the amount paid, the hunter will get the trophy (fangs) properly prepared. At the same time, the hunter is provided with a companion on the field for individual hunting. In both situations, for the mixed hunts organized for wild boars and pheasants/rabbits, the organization fee provided for the wild boar (individual or collective hunting) is charged, the hunter will pay 100 EURO/day/hunter for organizing in the field. If hunting is not provided, 15% of the above amount is paid for that day.